Cinder 2005
Dear Friends
Between November 7 and 10, CINDER s XV Congress will be held in the city of Fortaleza (Brazil).
I believe we are ahead of one of, if not the most, important Congresses of all held until this date. In order to understand it, just look at the multitude of works, studies and projects that have recently been done regarding the organization of land and the development of mortgage credit.
Nowadays, there is no doubt that modern economies are credit economies and, therefore, the growth of a country essentially depends on the volume of credit available; also, the firmer guarantees those receiving the credit have and the better the execution mechanisms work, the larger will be the volume of capital lent and lower the interest rates.
It is equally evident that the growth of the planet s population, the growth in internal and external immigration as well as the need to obtain better resources have caused multiple problems in the organization and exploitation of land. The imprecision in the determination of its legal situation and physical identification have not enabled an adequate planning and execution of the urbanization and rationalization process of its use. The result of these failures has been, in general, the increase in social conflicts, the lack of development and damages to the environment.
These are the themes the Congress will debate. I think us Registrars can contribute to the solution. Actually, our essential function consists of assigning and defining the actual rights over securities and real property. But we should move beyond this and try to give the user all the relevant information on the building in which he is interested, and do so in the fastest way and at the lowest possible cost; not forgetting that such information should be secure and guaranteed. I am aware that this task will demand a great amount of effort. But I understand the result will be worth the sacrifice.
I understand it is necessary to open ourselves to society and know what it requires. Thus, besides our intervention, that of the Registrars, the Congress will count on the participation of several guests. More than talking highly about ourselves or falling into self-satisfaction, we want to know the problems the users face when dealing with us and know their suggestions.
The ambition of our purposes requires your help. It is important to know what happens in the largest amount of countries possible, the experiences they have had and the solutions each one has applied. I think that if we actually want to be useful to society, it is necessary to have everyone s cooperation. Therefore, I stimulate you to participate in this Congress. I am certain you will not be disappointed.
Enrique Rajoy
General Secretary
Do your pre-registration and receive online information on CINDER 2005.
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BE 5748 - 17/01/2025
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BE 5747 - 16/01/2025
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BE 5746 - 15/01/2025
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Últimas Notícias
- Reconstrução de edifício poderá ser submetida à Lei n. 4.591/1964
- Titular de Cartório poderá acumular cargo público ou magistério
- RIB promove live sobre Provimento da Indisponibilidade e CNIB 2.0